Humana Ds Logon - TRICARE® Self-Care Options: Secure online self-care options PRESENTER TO PROVIDE: Ensure receipt of TRICARE benefits.
Presentation on theme: "TRICARE® Self-Care Options: An Overview of Using Safe Online Self-Care Options ATTENTER PRESENTER: Ensuring TRICARE Beneficiaries Receive." - Introductory note:
Humana Ds Logon
TR: To ensure that TRICARE beneficiaries receive the most up-to-date information about their health benefits, they should see the latest version of all briefings before each presentation. Updates regularly as interests change. Presentation Tips: Before your presentation, review briefly with notes. Remove slides that don't interest your audience. Review other key information information slides and cost summary slides to identify additional slides to include in your presentation. Run a short "slideshow" program for your presentation. TRICARE Resources: Visit to view, print, or download samples of TRICARE training materials. Suggested resources include: Beneficiary Registration website and resources for fact sheets and job summaries. Approximate Presentation Time: 45 minutes Target Audience: TRICARE beneficiaries residing in the United States Informational Purpose: Inform beneficiaries about safe online self-care options. Intended Presenter Comments: Welcome to the TRICARE Self-Care Options Forum. The purpose of today's presentation is to provide an overview of how to safely access your online privacy options.
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In today's session, we will discuss what TRICARE is and our online self-service options, including: Signing up or purchasing a TRICARE application option Accessing the service resource client using milConnect TRICARE Regional Contractor Slide 2
TRICARE is a single-service health care program for active-duty service members, retired service members, National Guard and Reserve members, Medal of Honor recipients, family members, survivors, and ex-spouses. TRICARE integrates the health care resources of the Military Health System, such as military hospitals and clinics, with a network of civilian health professionals, facilities, pharmacies and providers to protect, protect, support and restore the health of those in their care. treatment. TRICARE offers a wide variety of health plans, dental plans, and pharmacy benefits to beneficiaries.
TRICARE is available worldwide. There are three TRICARE regions in the United States - TRICARE North, TRICARE South, and TRICARE West - and one overseas region with three regions - TRICARE Asia-Africa, TRICARE Latin America and Canada, and TRICARE Pacific. Your TRICARE benefits are the same no matter where you live, but there are different customer service contacts for each area. TRICARE partners with local civil contractors to administer TRICARE health benefits in the four counties. Health Net Federal Services, LLC administers benefits in the Northern Region; The Humana military department manages interest in the Southern region; and UnitedHealthcare Military and Veterans administers the benefit in the Western Region. International SOS Government Services, Inc. manages interest abroad. Your local employer is your first source for information and assistance about TRICARE benefits. Each local contractor maintains a website and a toll-free customer call center to help with your questions and concerns, including selection, referrals and pre-orders, claims, appeals and fraud. Individual contractors administer TRICARE dental and pharmacy benefits. Can you provide more details? For more information on overseas opportunities visit
Because the TRICARE website is an open website with open information for Internet users - registrations and other transactions that require access to personal information occur through secure TRICARE partner websites. These websites require secure registration by the Department of Defense, or DoD, and medical, dental, and pharmacy contractors who administer TRICARE benefits. You can use partner sites to access your information and complete many online tasks. However, each site may have different login requirements. In most cases, you may need: a common access card or CAC; Security Financial and Account Service, or DFAS, PayPal Personal Identification Number or PIN; or DoD Self Service Logon or DS Logon Why doesn't it have a logo? TRICARE benefits are administered by DoD and civilian contractors, many of them through their own websites and electronic systems. Although personal service options require access to many different websites, provide a gateway to all of these resources.
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The good news is that you can access all the links to manage your TRICARE information and records through the "I want to..." section on the front page of the TRICARE website. The TRICARE website allows you to manage your home or business interests. Access secure TRICARE partner websites. The "I want..." section links you to open and secure websites where possible: Book appointments Find a doctor Referrals and advance orders Change your primary provider or PCM Sign up or buy a plan Manage prescriptions or check ask You can explore these options, among others, on the TRICARE website, which is optimized for mobile devices. 8
Let's take a look at one of the most important actions to take - registrations or changes. Start by selecting "Sign up or buy a plan" from the "I want..." menu.
Once you've made your choice, you can choose from a variety of TRICARE program options that are right for you or your family. Here, we'll learn how to enroll in a program like TRICARE Prime, which is essential for active duty service members and available to others who qualify. 10
Before you start the TRICARE Prime enrollment process, check your zip code to determine if you live in a Prime Service Area or PSA. A PSA is a community center near a military hospital or hospital that offers TRICARE Prime. If you live in PSA, select PCM. Your PCM may be at a military hospital or hospital or, if a military PCM is not available, at a civilian TRICARE network provider within the PSA. If you do not live in a PSA, select "Plan Finder" for more information about your TRICARE plan options.
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There are three ways to enroll in TRICARE Prime: Online: Because your employer's agency, not TRICARE, has determined your TRICARE eligibility, online TRICARE Prime Enrollment occurs through the DoD website called Beneficiary Web Enrollment, or BWE. The BWE website securely links your personal information to the Defense Enrollment Elective Reporting System or DEERS, a database of service members and dependents worldwide who may be eligible for military benefits. You must have a CAC, DFAS myPay PIN, or DS Logon to register using BWE. We will discuss these login methods in this brief. Phone: Call your local contractor. Mail: Download the TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Waiver, and Primary Care (PCM) Form DD Form 2876 and mail the form to your local contractor.
The BWE website is a secure portal that allows US TRICARE beneficiaries to enroll or decline TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Young Senior options, select or change PCMs, and enroll in TRICARE dental coverage. Beneficiaries can use BWE to update their contact details in DEWE. The important thing to remember is that you must be logged in before you can access anything on BWE. If you need instructions on how to use this page, select "BWE Navigation" at the bottom of the home page.
To access the many secure personal service options available in the UAE, you must log in: DS Logo, available to all spouses and other beneficiaries aged 18 and over; CAC, which includes DoD military and civilian populations; or DFAS myPay PIN, which provides access to your payment information and can be used if you don't have a CAC A DS Logo, is useful if you have family members who need access to personal health information and contact specific TRICARE. On the login page, log in using your DS Logon, CAC or DFAS myPay PIN. If you need help, select "Help Center" at the top of the BWE login page.
This slide shows the entry options available by income category. Service members can use any of three options, including CAC, DFAS myPay PIN, or DS Logon. Retired members can use a DFAS myPay PIN or DS Logon. Other family members, including spouses, surviving spouses and children 18 and over, will usually need a DS Logo to enter. DS Logon provides access for service members, retired service members and other family members. Note: Members of the US Coast Guard, US National Health Service Commission, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are not paid by DFAS and do not have DFAS myPay PINs.
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DS Logons can be used by anyone who is TRICARE eligible. DS logins, CACs, or DFAS myPay PINs are available for secure access to health care information (such as employee memberships). Sponsors can earn DS Logos
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